India has purchased 6 C-130J-30 aircraft from the Government of United States of America (USG) through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route at a cost of US $ 962 million which includes the cost on account of training, role and support equipment, spares, warranty and US Government administrative charges.
Equipped with India-unique operational equipment, including an infrared detection set (IDS), the aircraft for the first time will provide the IAF an ability to conduct precision low-level flying operations, airdrops and landings in blackout conditions.
The C-130J Super Hercules is the only airlifter with the range and flexibility for emerging theaters and evolving concepts of operation. This tactical transport aircraft has already proven itself in many kinds of missions, many in the harshest operating conditions possible.
The C-130J is an all-new aircraft. Major improvements include a state-of-the-art, computer-controlled digital flight deck designed for two-pilot operation and equipped with twin mission computers.
The aircraft can also be configured with the "enhanced cargo handling system". The system consists of a computerised loadmaster's station from where the user can remotely control the under floor winch.
The aircraft is equipped with air-to-air receiver refueling capability for extended range operations. Lockheed Martin will integrate this equipment and other capabilities into the Indian configuration as agreed between the governments.
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