After delivering a two part film 'Rakta Charitra’ last year, Ram Gopal Varma, who is now attempting to bring a dark action drama for his next tilted ‘Department’, has signed in actors Kangana Ranaut and Abhishek Bachchan as the main leads in the film.‘Department’ will be the second film for Kangana and Abhishek as the duo has earlier shared screen space in their upcoming film ‘Game’. Interestingly in this forthcoming RGV film, Abhishek and Kangana will be seen playing husband and wife.
Other than these two actors, the filmmaker is also bringing in Amitabh and Sanjay Dutt with interesting roles in ‘Department’.
Speaking about the story of this dark thriller, RGV stated, “The story is about three cops and the extra-constitutional activities they engage in to maintain a civil society. Kangana is the only person in the world that Abhishek's character can share his agony with. She plays a very intense role in this dark, gritty and real drama.”
Varma impressed with Kangana
RGV, who has signed Kangana on Monday, stated that he roped in the actress for ‘Department’ after seeing her breathtaking performance in films like ‘Gangster’ and ‘Woh Lamhe’.
"I wondered why we haven't worked together as yet! Kangna very much fits into my vision as a filmmaker. She is intense and emotional on screen.
I've wanted to work with her, from the time she appeared in Gangster and Woh Lamhe. But I didn't want to cast her in anything insignificant. The role had to justify her presence,” stated Varma.
Kangana spotted with Salman
It’s heard that recently Salman, who was in Mehboob studio busy shooting promos for ‘Ready’ with Asin, had wrapped up his shoot immediately after he came to know that Kangana was shooting in the same studio.
Speaking about Salman and Kangana enjoying each other’s company, a source stated, “He's extremely fond of her. The fact that he was extremely eager to spend time with her on the sets, speaks volumes. She, too, was excited about having him around.”
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