Monday, December 5, 2011

Spain face Davis Cup struggle without Nadal and Ferrer!

Spain's fifth Davis Cup appellation affair in 11 years fell collapsed aback Rafael Nadal appear he'd skip abutting year's appellation defence while brother-in-arms David Ferrer alleged time on his affray duties.

World cardinal two Nadal, who battled aback from a set bottomward to defeat Juan Martin del Potro and accord Spain achievement over Argentina in an ballsy affray on Sunday, insisted that the defence of his Olympic appellation charge be a priority.

Ferrer, who defeated Del Potro in a chase five-setter on Friday, said that at 29, his five-year bout of Davis Cup assignment was around over.

The bifold blow, accompanying with captain Albert Costa's ambiguity over his availability and the annoying abatement of doubles bond Feliciano Lopez and Fernando Verdasco, larboard Spain attractive actively under-powered for 2012.

"Next year I will not play. It's an Olympic year. For abounding years, I accept been one of the players that plays the accomplished cardinal of matches and I don't appetite to overplay," said Nadal, who racked up a year-leading 82 matches on the ATP Bout in 2011.

"I appetite a articular calendar. So, abutting year, my accord in the Davis Cup is impossible. Then we will anticipate about the future."

Nadal has congenital up a almanac of 20 wins in Davis Cup adjoin aloof one defeat and that came on his admission as a 17-year-old in 2004.

But he has consistently complained about a accommodation agenda which this year will allow him aloof over two weeks blow afore he active for the United Arab Emirates and a advantageous New Year exhibition tournament.

After that, the Australian Open will allure and the alpha of his attack to wrest the apple cardinal one atom aback from Novak Djokovic.

World cardinal bristles Ferrer, meanwhile, turns 30 abutting year and he said it's time to duke Davis Cup responsibilities over to addition generation.

"It's activity to be actual difficult for the four of us to comedy calm again," said Ferrer, who has a almanac of 18 singles wins adjoin four losses back his admission in 2006.

"This is the end of the party. I accept been actuality for abounding years and we all attending for our own calendar. I'm older. I apparently don't accept a acceptable concrete condition."

Nadal, Ferrer, Lopez and Verdasco are all bent to affection at the Olympics in July and August.But that could beggarly Spain face the anticipation of accepting a altered aggregation at the Olympics to the one they acreage in the Davis Cup.

In the absence of Nadal and Ferrer, apple cardinal 10 Nicolas Almagro, who has played aloof bristles Davis Cup rubbers and didn't affection at all in 2011, would be the aboriginal name on the team-sheet.

Lopez, at 20 in the rankings, and Verdasco, the cardinal 24, would additionally be amidst the favourites for the singles berths aback Spain face Kazakhstan in their aboriginal annular bout of the 2012 affray in February.

Marcel Granollers, Spain's apple 27, has never played a Davis Cup singles match."We all appetite to comedy at the Olympic Games," said Ferrer.

"The Olympics are actual important. We appetite to comedy in London, and we appetite to be in acceptable concrete action to represent Spain."

Sunday's win followed titles for Spain in 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2009 while Argentina became the aboriginal nation to lose four finals.

The 30 seconds that sank the Titanic – fatal delay in order to change course doomed liner!

The Titanic could accept been adored but for a 30 additional adjournment in the administrator in allegation giving the adjustment to change the ship's advance afterwards the abstract had been spotted, a fresh abstraction has found.

They were the 30 abnormal that could accept adored the Titanic.When the administrator in allegation of the address was warned that an abstract had been spotted in its path, he waited a acute half-minute afore alteration course, a fresh abstraction has concluded

Had William Murdoch taken activity immediately, the liner – and 1,496 lives – ability able-bodied accept been saved.

The award comes from above fresh abstraction to accompany with the centenary of the Titanic adversity abutting year. Investigators accept reappraised the aboriginal 1912 Wreck Commission analysis in the ablaze of all the analysis and affirmation that has emerged since.

The fresh cessation overturns the adjudication of the aboriginal inquiry, which begin that Murdoch, the First Officer, steered abroad anon but could not avoid accident because the abstract had been spotted too late.

Will love to act in Bollywood movies:Tom Cruise!

Hollywood baby Tom Cruise seems to accept ardent by Bollywood. The actor, who is on a promotional bacchanalia for the fourth chapter of the Mission Imposssible alternation in the city, said he would adulation to act in Hindi films.

The movies that appear out every year but I do watch a few of them. (If offered a Bollywood film) I would never say no. I would adulation to do it," the 49-year-old amateur said in Mumbai.

He was speaking to reporters afterwards screening of the blur Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol which was captivated at IMAX in burghal Wadala and was abounding by about 1,500 bodies on Sunday evening.

"I'm honoured and advantaged to be in India. I admired actuality here. The atmosphere, the bodies actuality are actual nice. I'm blessed with the adulation and acknowledgment I'm accepting from my admirers over here. India is an amazing abode and I will absolutely adulation to appear again," he said.

In a arrow to the actuality about Bollywood's growing all-around clout, the amateur said, "India is a huge bazaar (for English movies) and as I accept said afore I like authoritative movies. I adulation authoritative movies and to accomplish this cine (Mission Impossible) into a series. I consistently capital to do this and its acceptable to be here. I aloof achievement anybody brand the movie."

Cruise, who accustomed in the country on Saturday and will leave for Dubai on Sunday night, said he acquainted blessed back Bollywood amateur Anil Kapoor was active up for the film.

"We were blessed alive with him. We were blessed back he came on lath the movie," he said.

Commenting on the third aftereffect of the MI series, the amateur said, "My appearance is appealing abundant the same. The obstacles, (the action amid hero and villain) are same. I still adulation the news and it feels nice to booty the news forward. I adulation cogent stories."

Saturday, December 3, 2011

World Snooker Championship: It’s Walker vs Ayouri for the title!

Maybe it was the burden of arena at home, or aloof apparent bad luck. Both the Indians — Pankaj Advani and Kamal Chawla — were defeated in the semifinals of the IBSF World Snooker Championship here. While Advani absent to Welshman Lee Walker 1-7, Chawla was defeated by Iran’s Hossein Vafaei Ayouri 2-7. Walker takes on Ayouri in the best of 19 anatomy final on Saturday.

Advani has been in such situations in the past, but the adversary he was up adjoin on Friday is a above able player. Considering the boxy pro ambit in England, it was no abruptness that Walker was able to appear up with acceptable breach and booty the bout away. Advani took the aboriginal frame, but could not banknote in on the affairs that came his way. If Advani had to accomplish a bout of it, he should accept taken ascendancy in the antecedent allotment of the match. This was the basis of the accomplished semifinal. Walker deserves a lot of acclaim for the bright potting and opportunism. The 115 breach in the fourth frame, an 85 approval in the fifth, and addition aeon in the seventh were affidavit to the actuality that the Welshman was in absolute control. A abject Advani afterwards said: “It was absitively in the aboriginal three frames. I started poorly. I got a adventitious in the additional and third frames and I should accept dictated terms. He began to cull away. If I was 2-0 up, maybe it would accept been different. “I played my bold but absent out on execution. I absent a brace of affairs and aloof could not accomplishment the frames.

At this level, you can’t allow to accord your adversary a chance. He played able-bodied admitting actuality bottomward 40 or 50 points. He was all-a-quiver in the aboriginal 3-4 frames, but afterwards that he hardly absent the ball,” he added.Walker, who has played in the pro ambit from 1994 to 2006, said: “I played well; I should accept been out in the annular of 32. Annihilation from there on is a bonus. I am aloof adequate my game. Maybe there was burden on him because he is arena at home.” In the morning, he exhausted 2008 best Thepchaiya Un-Nooh in the quarterfinals.

In the added semifinal, 17-year-old Ayouri was afresh aloof too acceptable for the Indian. Chawla, who had baffled the Iranian in Qatar recently, aloof did not accept abundant punch. Ayouri did not do annihilation awfully good, he aloof did what was necessary.

Results:Semifinals (best of 13): Lee Walker (Wal) bt Pankaj Advani (Ind) 7-1 (68 (52) -82, 61-41, 69-39, 115 (115) -0, 85 (85 cl) -42, 67-28, 108 (100 cl) -33, 73 (73) -52 (52); Hossein Vafaei Ayouri (Irn) bt Kamal Chawla (Ind) 7-2 (67-5, 65-43, 108 (91) -9, 65 (45) -5, 74 (65) -25, 56-67 (46), 71 (64) -16, 61 (61) -74 (65), 88 (66) -36)Quarterfinals (best of 11): Advani (Ind) bt Peter Bullen (Bel) 6-2 (71 (62)-7, 0-123 (123), 34-75 (64), 92 (62)-21, 67 (47)-60, 70 (63)-9, 69 (55)-60, 80-45); Walker (Wal) bt Thepchaiya Un-Nooh (Tha) 6-2 (11-95 (68), 72-64 (64), 67 (67)-25, 60 (54)-72 (46), 68-4, 70-60 (60), 59-55 (55), 62-28); Ayouri (Iri) bt Brendan O’Donoghue (Ire) 6-3 (80-62 (54), 118 (106)-0, 63-73 (66), 86-18, 33-73 (66), 18-83 (46), 85 (58)-1, 71-52, 74-0); Chawla (Ind) bt Kevin van Hove (Bel) 6-5 (03-87 (75), 106 (56-50)-07, 93-15, 76 (60)-29, 06-112 (48, 55), 27-86, 46-65, 74-32, 72-35, 27-78, 77-36).

Bachchans reject Rs 5 cr for Baby B picture!

Buzz is that two arch all-embracing magazines accept approached the Bachchan ancestors with Rs 5 crore in acknowledgment of absolute pictures of Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's baby, built-in on November 16. This comes four years afterwards all-embracing magazines offered the brilliant brace a acceptable cardinal of crores to allotment their bells photographs.

Not decidedly pa-in-law, Amitabh Bachchan maintains that he'll never advertise his grand-daughter's pictures to any media organisation. From the time Aishwarya was accepted to hospital, a area of the media had been aggravating to cull strings to access absolute pictures of the babyish girl.

However, back the mother and the babyish were absolved from the hospital, no one had been able to get any pictures of the bairn child. And naturally, that has additional the concern amid celebrity watchers.

"More so as she's been declared by her grandfathering as a babyish with an 'angelic face' and light-hued, admirable eyes, aloof like her actress-mother, Aishwarya. Not to balloon the morphed photographs of Aishwarya and her babyish amphibian about on the Internet," credibility out a source. However, the ancestors has absitively not to absolution any photographs, citation 'personal reasons'.

Also, agitated by the apportionment of morphed pictures of Aishwarya and her babe on the web, the Bachchan ancestors reportedly traced the aboriginal account that had been photoshopped. As Big B himself tweeted recently, "To those that clamour for the baby's picture, I accept said it before, it will not be happening. Do understand, it's personal."

When a Facebook Rant Gets You Fired?..

Workers accursed or acclimatized for bad-mouthing administration on social-networking sites are angry aback application a decades-old action law—a fresh advanced in the black action over what workers can do and say online. Since the acceleration of Facebook and Twitter, companies believed they had the appropriate to blaze advisers who acquaint complaints or adverse or abrupt comments online about their employers. But in contempo months, workers accept approved to break their actual avant-garde application asperity by application the law that kick-started the U.S. action movement: the National Action Relations Act of 1935. The law gives private-sector advisers assertive rights to accuse about pay, assurance and added alive conditions.

It doesn't assure simple griping. More than 100 employers, including a saloon, a BMW dealership and Wal-Mart Stores Inc., accept been accused by workers over the aftermost 12 months of abnormal action accompanying to social-media practices or policies, according to the National Action Relations Board, a federal bureau that enforces the law and decides whether employees' complaints accept merit. NLRB attorneys in Washington accept absitively that about bisected of the complaints they accept advised appropriately far accept acceptable arete for the bureau to intervene, about in the anatomy of a civilian complaint filed adjoin administration on account of employees.

Complaints are heard by an NLRB judge, who can adjustment a remedy. The NLRB actions, best of which absorb nonunion employees, represent a fresh amphitheatre in which the bureau is asserting itself in the workplace. It already is on the hot bench with Republicans and business groups, who say it has advantaged unions over administration beneath President Barack Obama's watch, conspicuously back it challenged Boeing Co.'s accommodation to install a nonunion assembly band in South Carolina. Rafael Gomez of law close Lo Tempio & Brown in Buffalo, N.Y., who is apery a nonprofit accumulation in an NLRB case involving Facebook postings, said his case and others beforehand the bureau is "seeking to beforehand itself in a nonunion workplace." In a abstracted case, Dawnmarie Souza, a paramedic for American Medical Response of Connecticut Inc., was accursed afterwards calling her administrator a "scumbag" on Facebook, from her home computer.

She was black the administrator had questioned her about a chump complaint, according to the NLRB's investigation. The NLRB's complaint on Ms. Souza's behalf—the agency's aboriginal anytime involving a battlefront accompanying to amusing media—came afterwards NLRB attorneys in Washington assured the battlefront was actionable because the postings were fabricated during an online altercation amid advisers about authoritative action, which is advised "protected concerted activity" beneath the law. The comments were affronted by what the NLRB accounted the supervisor's actionable abnegation of abutment representation during a abode affair about the chump complaint.

The case was acclimatized in February afore it could beforehand to an NLRB authoritative judge. According to the NLRB acting accepted counsel, the employer accursed the artisan afterwards reprimanding him for the sales-event photos the employer alleged embarrassing, again several months after said the acumen for the battlefront was the announcement of the car in the pond. The NLRB adjudicator said he believed assertions fabricated by dealership managers that Mr. Becker was accursed alone for his announcement of the car in the pond. The judge's cardinal has been appealed by the NLRB's acting accepted counsel.

Mr. Becker, who is actuality represented by an NLRB advocate in Chicago, beneath animadversion through an bureau spokeswoman. Jim Hendricks of Ford & Harrison LLP, a advocate for the dealer, said his applicant is battling the appeal, abacus that administration are in a bind now that the NLRB is "going to analyze every action you accept on whether or not it violates adequate concerted activity."

Friday, November 25, 2011

Youth scores over experience as ONGC, PNB enter Nehru hockey final!

Gurwinder Singh Chandi may be out of the national team but going by his performance at the ongoing Nehru hockey tournament here so far, his employers ONGC will not be complaining.

On Thursday, he gave further proof of why he is rated highly by scoring a hat-trick in the team's 4-2 win over Bharat Petroleum in the semi-finals. The result also put ONGC in their second successive final of the tournament.

The initial period had both teams trying to size up each other, except for an occasional foray into the other half. The first goal came in the 24th minute. After an exchange of passes between Chandi and Akashdeep Singh from the half line till inside the striking circle, the latter found his view to the goal blocked by BPCL goalkeeper Swinder Singh. Instead of taking on the keeper and a couple of defenders himself, Akashdeep passed it on the run to Chandi, who made no mistake in slotting the ball in.

The second came immediately on resumption, Chandi this time slightly lifting the ball into the net from an acute angle. A third goal four minutes later saw Chandi deflecting the ball in off a goalmouth melee.

Being 0-3 down is not a familiar situation for a team like BPCL, and they tried to regroup and go on attack. It seemed to work, Hari Prasad reducing the margin in the 48th minute, but Diwakar Ram converted a penalty corner six minutes later to make it 4-1. Though Jarnail pulled one back in the dying minutes for BPCL, they were never truly in the match, and the result reflected it.

Dhanush's 'Kolaveri di' song is the new youth anthem!

In the minimalist video of the viral hit 'Why this Kolaveri Di', actor and occasional singer Dhanush can't help grinning as he repeats the now-famous catchphrase of the song over and over again. He's clearly having a lot of fun, getting a kick out of mouthing lyrics that are so absurd they make one burst into spontaneous giggles.

Perhaps it is this sense of absurd fun - its whacked out irreverence, its 'f#@# it, just chill' attitude - that's made the song a humongous hit across the nation, with close to 3.79 million views on its official YouTube video in less than a week and a top trending topic on Twitter the past three days.

"We had a real blast writing and recording this song," says Dhanush in an exclusive telephonic interview from Chennai. Although he's sung a few ditties here and there in previous films, this is by far the biggest hit and will feature in his film "3", directed by his wife Aishwarya Dhanush, megastar Rajnikanth's daughter. Incidentally, the music of the film, including this song, has been composed by 21-year old Anirudh Ravichander, Rajnikanth's nephew.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Top seed Djokovic out of Paris Masters!

Top seed Novak Djokovic on Friday pulled out of the ATP Paris Masters, in which he was due to play Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the quarterfinals, because of a shoulder injury. The Serb world number one said his shoulder had worsened after his 4-6, 6-3, 6-1 victory over compatriot Viktor Troicki on Thursday. "Sadly I have to inform you that I have withdrawn from the further tournament," Djokovic announced on his official website. "I have pushed myself to the limit by playing, and after the match yesterday my shoulder got worse. "For this reason, I have to put my health first and withdraw even though my urges as a professional player are making me want to play until the last drop of energy.

"I am very sorry for all of you who bought tickets and wanted to come and watch me play. My season has been long and tiring, I played all of my matches at my highest level, and now my body is aching for recovery. Hoping for your understanding and support." Djokovic, who has notched up 10 titles this year including successes at the Australian Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, on Wednesday laughed off suggestions that he only turned up for the Paris Masters in order to avoid missing out on a $1.6 million windfall. Djokovic's participation was cast into doubt by his shoulder injury and, having already pulled out of last month's Shanghai Masters, another withdrawal would have cost him his lucrative share of the ATP bonus pool. "If I know that I'm physically good enough to be competing, I will compete. If I don't, I will not compete," he said at the time.

‘Drupal' changed communication on web!

That the recent tumult in the Middle East put Al Jazeera, the largest news organisation focused on the region, in the crux of a social media storm is well-known. That Barack Obama leveraged the internet like no other during his 2008 election campaign too, is common knowledge.

What is however unknown, is the fascinating story of Drupal – the free, open source social publishing platform – that enabled the survival of Al Jazeera's website amid the escalating pressure; besides latching global governments onto its services.

“Over 2 per cent of all websites worldwide, from blogs to corporate, political and government sites use Drupal as their back-end system. This includes the United States government's official website, the,” says Dries Buytaert, creator of Drupal.

A software package that allows you to organise, manage and publish content, with endless customisation; Drupal is used by millions today. And, India is now as much a part of this online revolution. Various government organisations, including the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, have adopted Drupal as their communication platform over the past year.

“Drupal can be downloaded for free and innumerable new features can be added to it. While over 1.5 million users visit our official website,, nearly one-third of the traffic is from India. The interest for Drupal and the quality of developers here is overwhelming. There is escalating demand for the software in the Indian market,” says Dries, who is in the country on a tour of educational institutions in Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad.

With a name that is Dutch for ‘village', the ‘Drupal' advantage lies in its community aspect. While over thousands of developers maintain the software, ‘tens of thousands' of community volunteers across the world continuously add new features, called modules, to the license-free software.

While there are over 11,000 modules today that can be used to customise Drupal's behaviour and appearance, there is a steep increase in the demand for trained Drupal developers in the country, who can create websites across industries using the appropriate modules.

With numerous such functions, it has specialised distribution across several sectors like governance, communication, media, education and publishing websites, among others.

“While hosting a small website using propriety software could cost nearly $400 a month, a similar website would cost merely $5 with Drupal as it free to download. As it is open-source it enables a huge commercial eco-system which allows you to do well, while giving something back to the community,” says Dries.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Insects inspires mother of all adhesives!

Insects can scurry up walls, hang from ceilings and perform other acrobatic feats with remarkable ease. This has inspired scientists to come up with a mother of all adhesives that can be stuck and peeled off repeatedly without losing its sticking power.

The wall-scaling ability of insects lies in the growth of thousands of tiny hairs over their feet and legs, with flattened tips that can splay out to maximize contact on even rough surfaces.

The researchers fashioned a similar silicon tape, which turned out to be twice as hard to pull off a surface than a flat tape of the same material, according to a statement of the University of Kiel's Zoological Institute, Germany.

One team member even succeeded in dangling from the ceiling using a 20 by 20cm square piece of the new tape.

"The main issue for good adhesion is intimate contact with the substrate (surface)," explains Stanislav Gorb, who led the project.

"Due to multiple contacts points (hairs), they can build proper contact with almost any surface," adds Gorb from the Zoological Institute.

The tape can also work under water, leaves behind no sticky residues, and can be attached and detached repeatedly without losing its ability to grip.

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Hi friends today I’m going to share about a website which is a passport International offers Ontario cottages for rent in Ontario in areas such as, Penetanguishene, Haliburton, Kawathra Lakes, and Midland. All of the Ontario cottages for rental are conveniently located near a waterfront or lake, so it is great to go swimming, boating and fishing. There are plenty of activities to do in and around the town you wish to stay in, and are all just a few hours away from Toronto. Cottage rentals in Ontario are great for any time of the year, summer or winter. Bahamas Castaway is located in Double Bay on the Atlantic side of Eleuthera. All season activities include tennis, sailing, alpine and cross-country skiing, horseback riding and mountain and hiking trails. As well, take advantage of local attractions and historical sites in the town you are staying in. Travelers can easily pinpoint the exact location of your property with Google maps. In this website for property owners and managers, it is versatile, vibrant, user friendly and very cost effective. Cottage rentals in Ontario for the best prices than the other website. For more details please do follow the above given links and I hope you all will like this website.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Slowing Down the Ageing Process is in Your Hands!

Most bodies these canicule attach a lot of accent to attractive adolescent and it is no exaggeration that attractive adolescent than one’s age gives bodies an angry high. To accomplish this dream, abounding are accommodating to go any breadth aloof to beating off years from their looks.

One does not charge to actual far to attending for those abracadabra potions or pills to apathetic bottomward ageing, for the abstruse may aloof lie in one’s own hands.

Recent analysis has claimed that bistro beneath calories can arrest the ageing action and account abounding age-associated diseases such as cancer, dementia and type-2 diabetes.

Researchers additionally begin that acid the burning of amoroso and protein and ensuring assimilation of vitamins and minerals holds the abstruse to longevity.

This point was abundantly accepted during analysis on animals which showed that bargain calorie assimilation added years to animals’ lifespan.

Cutting calorie assimilation bigger levels of an agitator alleged peroxiredoxin [Prx1], which offers aegis adjoin the furnishings of ageing.

'We are able to appearance that caloric brake slows bottomward ageing by preventing an enzyme, peroxiredoxin, from actuality inactivated. This agitator is additionally acutely important in antidotal accident to our abiogenetic material. Impaired Prx1 action leads to assorted types of abiogenetic defects and cancer. Conversely, we can now brainstorm whether added adjustment of Prx1 during ageing can counteract,” advisers said.

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Iconic Chevrolet completes 100 years!

Chevrolet is commutual 100 years of its actuality common and adulatory its bazaar on 3rd of November 2011. Back its addition in 1911 by Louis Chevrolet and GM architect Billy Durant, the company's better cast has appear a actual connected way. In a abbreviate amount of little over 7 years, Chevrolet has additionally emerged as the fastest growing agent nameplate in India. With an arrangement of articles alignment from agitative mini cars like Chevrolet Beat and Spark, to the best awarded exceptional SUV - Captiva, Chevrolet has brought incomparable artefact affection and chump affliction to the Indian consumers.

Speaking on the august milestone, Karl Slym, President & Managing Director, GM India, said, "Chevrolet is today GM's all-around boilerplate cast and the foundation of the company's business in best aloft markets beyond the apple including India. We've awash added than 200 actor Chevrolets in our aboriginal 100 years, and we've had a all-around attendance for best of our history-just about everybody, everywhere, has a claimed or ancestors news involving a Chevrolet. Today, Chevrolet beyond the apple is abundant added than a architect of cars, trucks and crossovers; it's a all-around cultural figure anchored in the customers' best memorable activity experiences."

Chevrolet's access to India began in 1928. The flagship cast captured a adherent afterward actuality in India too like in added genitalia of the apple Over the abutting few decades Chevrolet's affair with India connected through films and music. After an absence of several years, Chevrolet alternate to India in 2003 and has awash added than 5 lakh cartage back its re-entry. Today, India is Chevrolet's eighth-largest bazaar in the world.

Chevrolet's portfolio in India boasts of an agitative ambit of articles including ambiance affable advancement solutions. Chevrolet cartage accept won abundant automotive arete awards from assorted auto experts, absolute agencies and the media. Chevrolet is committed to accouterment consumers with fuel-efficient, safe, reliable and amount for money cartage that bear aerial quality, alive architecture and active performance. It is rapidly accretion its civic dealership and account centre arrangement to abutment the amazing bazaar appeal for its cars and added aiming to aggrandize its sales and account arrangement beyond the country activity forward.

Globally, Chevrolet is the fourth-largest agent cast and is now awash in added than 140 countries beyond the globe. A fresh Chevrolet was awash every 6.65 abnormal in the aboriginal bisected of 2011. And aftermost year alone, one in every 1,619 bodies on the planet bought a Chevrolet vehicle. In 2010, Chevrolet awash a almanac 4.26 actor cars and trucks globally and that clip has accelerated with 2.35 actor Chevrolets awash in the aboriginal six months in 2011. Chevrolet has a appreciative motor-sports ancestry too by acceptable the WTCC (World Touring Car Championship) for the additional year in a row in 2011. A brilliant aerialist in Chevrolet's accepted all-around portfolio is the Cruze, which back its 2009 barrage has become the better affairs Chevrolet car nameplate in the world.

Summing up Chevrolet's aboriginal century, Karl Slym said, "For 100 years, Chevrolet cartage accept affianced bodies and afflicted their imaginations beyond the globe. In India, we accept boring and steadily accustomed ourselves although there is still a connected way to go to absolutely apprehend our dream. Chevrolet has consistently believed in bringing calm the finest elements in its creations for its admired customers. As we access the additional century, our articles reflect a renewed accent on the alive styling, ammunition efficiency, amount for money and aloft all an absurd active and buying acquaintance which a chump expects from a Chevrolet. Truly, there's a abundant adventure advanced with Chevrolet and we are committed to accomplishing greater milestones in the second-fastest growing auto bazaar in the apple – India.’’

Thursday, October 27, 2011

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Friday, October 7, 2011

L'Oreal's 'Pill for Grey Hair' Raises Concerns!

When news broke this week that L'Oreal was developing a pill to prevent grey hair, it made headlines around the world. But scientists say the pill, which has not yet been created, produces more questions than answers. Bruno Bernard, head of the Hair Care, Quality and Color team at L'Oreal, first spoke about the cosmetic company's research, telling the Daily Mail the pill will be based on a fruit extract that mimics an enzyme called TRP-2, which isn't present in hair follicles. TRP-2 helps make pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.

In theory, the presence of TRP-2 could prevent hair from going gray. "Ideally you would take [the pill] for your whole life, but realistically we'd encourage people to start using it before their hair goes grey because we don't think it can reverse the process once it has started," he told the UK paper. "We have a watertight proof of concept, and we think it will have a market among men as well as women." Dr. Jonathan Zippin, a dermatologist at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, told this kind of preventative solution to grey hair is "really difficult to prove" because some people never go grey, and others only grey a little bit. If researchers gave the pill to someone who never got grey hair, there would be no way to know if it was because of the pill or not.
In a statement released yesterday, L'Oreal briefly described its research efforts, but made no mention of a pill or the alleged 2015 release date widely reported by several media outlets. "L'Oreal has demonstrated and published in peer-reviewed journals the protective role of the enzyme TRP-2. Its absence in hair follicle melanocytes is likely linked to progressive greying," the statement reads. "Experts in the field confirm that substances mimicking TRP-2 activity might be of value to fight hair greying." But at this point, reports of a pill to prevent grey hair seem "a little premature," according to L'Oreal spokesman Jonathan Maher.

"We're still very much in the research phase," he said, adding that he cannot go into further detail. Scientists at the Ito Lab at New York University's Langone Medical Center are also researching grey hair, and recently identified the proteins responsible for pigment. In June they published a paper in the journal Cell, announcing that a network of proteins called the wnt signaling pathway are responsible for preventing grey hair in mice.

"Mouse and the human hairs are very similar in the way that they are structured and the way they contain melanocyte stem cells. We found that the wnt signaling pathway is activated the same way," said Piul Rabbani, a grad student in NYU's Langone Medical Center who led the study, told ABC News in June.

Low iron diet cuts brain disease risk!

Just the right amount of iron is needed for proper cell functioning but an excess could trigger brain diseases like Alzheimer`s and Parkinson`s, new research says.

Men have more iron in their system than women, which may explain why they develop these age-related degenerative diseases at a younger age.

Women lose iron through blood loss during menstruation, so a lesser number of them have these diseases, according to a University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) study, the journal Neurobiology of Aging reports.

George Bartzokis, professor of psychiatry at the UCLA and colleagues compared iron levels in women who had their uterus removed (hysterectomy) before menopause and thus did not menstruate and lose iron, with levels in postmenopausal women who had not gone through the procedure.

They found the women who had undergone hysterectomy had higher levels of iron in their brains than the women who hadn`t, compared to that of the men, according to a UCLA statement.

"But there are things postmenopausal women and especially men can do to reduce their iron levels through relatively simple actions," Bartzokis said.

"These include not overloading themselves with over-the-counter supplements that contain iron, unless recommended by their doctor; eating less red meat, which contains high levels of iron; donating blood; (taking) curcumin or green tea, that may have positive health consequences," Bartzokis said.

Researchers used an MRI technique that can measure the amount of ferritin iron in the brain (ferritin is a protein that stores iron).

They examined 39 postmenopausal women, 15 of whom had undergone a hysterectomy. They looked at three white-matter and and five gray-matter regions of the brain. Fifty-four male subjects were also imaged for comparison.

The researchers found that 15 of the women who had hysterectomy had concentrations of iron in the brain`s white-matter regions that did not differ from the men`s levels.

Further, both the women who had a hysterectomy and the men, had significantly higher amounts of iron than the women who had not undergone a hysterectomy.

Genelia D'Souza engaged to Riteish Deshmukh!

In a hush hush ceremony, Genelia D’Souza engaged to Riteish Deshmukh at Riteish Deshmukh's father, Maharashtra CM Vilasrao Deshmukh's residence a fortnight ago. It was a complete private affair and no personalities from the film industry were invited. The ceremony took place in the attendance of close family members and friends. The exact date of their marriage has not yet been revealed. Genelia and Riteish have been dating for almost seven years but the couple always avoids talking about their relationship in public. The duo is very much confirmed about settling down but they took time to convince their family as the actor’s family wanted Riteish to marry a girl from their community.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Master of the sky!

The C-130 J has been designed and developed with mission flexibility in mind - combat delivery, air to air refueling, special operations, disaster relief and humanitarian missions, that gives the C-130 J a unique mix of agility and performance to consistently operate at very high tempo operations efficiently as seen in the recent Sikkim earthquakes.The icing on the cake for Indian pilots who are going to navigate these mighty machines in the skies - a microwave oven, a coffee dispenser and bunks to catch up on sleep - cockpits seem a much better place for Indian Air Force (IAF) transport pilots.

India has purchased 6 C-130J-30 aircraft from the Government of United States of America (USG) through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route at a cost of US $ 962 million which includes the cost on account of training, role and support equipment, spares, warranty and US Government administrative charges.

Equipped with India-unique operational equipment, including an infrared detection set (IDS), the aircraft for the first time will provide the IAF an ability to conduct precision low-level flying operations, airdrops and landings in blackout conditions.

The C-130J Super Hercules is the only airlifter with the range and flexibility for emerging theaters and evolving concepts of operation. This tactical transport aircraft has already proven itself in many kinds of missions, many in the harshest operating conditions possible.

The C-130J is an all-new aircraft. Major improvements include a state-of-the-art, computer-controlled digital flight deck designed for two-pilot operation and equipped with twin mission computers.

The aircraft can also be configured with the "enhanced cargo handling system". The system consists of a computerised loadmaster's station from where the user can remotely control the under floor winch.

The aircraft is equipped with air-to-air receiver refueling capability for extended range operations. Lockheed Martin will integrate this equipment and other capabilities into the Indian configuration as agreed between the governments.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Everest faces rocky future as ice melts!

Climbers and custodians of Everest say rapid climate change could soon make for an ice-free ascent of the world's highest mountain.

Their warning comes amid a new international effort to gauge the effects of climate change in the Himalayas - and shield local people from potential hazards.

A US-funded mission, led by the Mountain Institute, opened a meeting in Kathmandu at the weekend aimed at finding practical solutions to the threat of catastrophic high-altitude flooding from lakes forming at the foot of melting glaciers.

Anecdotal evidence suggests the climbing experience is now far different from that Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay faced in 1953. However, scientists acknowledge they have yet to form a complete picture of the changes under way in the Himalayas.

The task of offering a definitive scientific account of the extent of melting is daunting - and not just because the area is so vast and inaccessible.

Scientists are still working to recover from a PR disaster early last year when it emerged that a United Nations report on climate change had claimed - wrongly - that the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035.

But growing anecdotal evidence from climbers and local people suggests climate change is making a strong impact even well above the 8000m line, with signs of melting ice on the southern approach to Everest.

"When I climbed Mt Everest last year I climbed the majority of ice without crampons because there was so much bare rock," said John All, an expert on Nepal glaciers from the University of Western Kentucky.

"In the past that would have been suicide because there was so much ice."

He said the terrain he crossed was very different from the landscapes described by earlier generations of climbers. Historical photographs of the Everest region show a longer and deeper covering of ice.

All added: "I wonder when Mt Everest will finally become a rock climb rather than an ice climb."

Everest Base Camp has undergone similar changes, said Tshering Tenzing Sherpa, who has overseen rubbish collection at the site for the past few years.

The summer monsoon months brought several deep new crevasses in the black ice beneath the rocks, Tenzing said. "Everything is changing with the glaciers."

Mancini knows Munich milestone!

Manchester City will reach the latest stage of their remarkable journey in Munich on Tuesday night with manager Roberto Mancini insisting one game alone against the legendary Bayern "cannot change" a club.Since Sheikh Mansour completed his multi-million pound Blues buy-out in 2008, City's long-suffering fans have become numb such is the frequency with which they have had to pinch themselves.From the day it all began and that British record £32.5million purchase of Robinho, through the arrival of Carlos Tevez from Manchester United, last season's FA Cup triumph and top-three finish, City have hauled in the heavyweights above them.

"For the supporters it is an important moment," Mancini said.Now, with so much less distance to travel, the strides are shorter. Some are still very significant.When they walk out at the Allianz Arena to face a team that were Champions League runners-up as recently as 2010, knocking Manchester United out along the way, and have four European Cups in their trophy room bearing testament to their status in the game, for those who have loyally followed the Blues through decades of underachievement another marker will have been passed.Mancini added: "Life changes sometimes.

Now we are a top club. But one result or one game cannot change everything. As a club, a team and a squad we have improved a lot this year and hope to do so in the future. But it is clear that it is an important game for this group. If we win it will be very important."That a club who only 13 years ago were spending their midweeks dreaming of victory over Macclesfield are now taking on Bayern as equals is remarkable in itself. Yet a quick check through the names who might represent the Blues in Germany emphasises Mancini and his boys are not travelling to Bavaria to gaze around at a world-famous stadium and wonder in amazement at it all.

Sergio Aguero, Yaya Toure, David Silva, Joe Hart. This City squad stands comparison with any potential foe in this competition, including a Bayern outfit who can boast Arjen Robben, Franck Ribery and Manuel Neuer in its ranks."Playing against Bayern Munich is always difficult for an English team. But the same is also (true) for them," said Mancini."It will be a difficult game. When you play against this team you can lose. But we are not a small team. We are a good team. We play against them without a problem. We have a lot of respect for them. They have a great history. But we want to do a good job."