Jhanavi, the babe of beloved extra Sridevi and Boney Kapoor, has been approached for Ram Charan Teja starer Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari(JVAS) sequel. The absorbing actuality is that in the beforehand adaptation Chiranjeevi and Sridevi had played the advance roles. Now their children's are bond up to actualize the magic.
Earlier, it was appear that Jhanavi will be authoritative her admission adverse Nagarjuna's adolescent son Akhil. Now the sources say that 13-year-old Jhanavi is acceptable to comedy the changeable advance in JVAS. But Boney Kapoor has denied the reports.Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari is one of the better hits of Tollywood. K.Raghavendra Rao directed cine had burst all the annal of its time. The cine was a mix of belief with fantasy. Late amateur Amrish Puri had additionally played an important role in the film.
sridevi is great actress i like here so much thanks for that post